Lynley Dodd's delightful doggies, 4 minor ways to know you are reading a Hairy Maclary or Schnitzel von Krumm book

Schnitzel Von Krumm's Basketwork - Lynley Dodd Hairy Maclary and Zachary Quack - Lynley Dodd Hairy Maclary, Sit - Lynley Dodd Schnitzel Von Krumm Forget-Me-Not (Hairy Maclary and Friends) by Dodd, Lynley (1998) Paperback - Lynley Dodd
  1. There is a full-page image with bleed on the left-hand page and text on the right.
  2. Each line of text on the right side page is left-justified and between one and six words long (usually about four). The text as a whole is more or less centered (slightly toward the gutter).  
  3. There are carry-over characters between books.
  4. There is a refrain.  From "We're all in a hurry, we MUST get away..." to "...rollicking, frolicking, EVERYWHERE."